29 June 2015

Ergo Proxy - Opening Credits

When I first researched the flashing texts in the opening credits, I read someone saying that they held clues to the show. Yet no one seemed to have translated them and made them available. Finally I did the work myself, and I can see why they were never posted; The text is cut off and difficult to read. The scraps that are available, don't seem to contain much information other than a broken-English translation of a synopsis for the show. There is one section of text that seems to be repeated throughout the opening credits, and I was going to try and piece it all together, but I have decided that it is too difficult and not worth it. I'll still post all of my notes and my image edits to make the text readable.

Many as futuristic stories from now. People who lived there
Of ----ind as followers
Orn---raneot(rament?) of the earth, the largest discharge of
Meteor --- cathed burning – happened in old times in century of how
Many --- gad suddenly ---- ings --- nd thr ---
Incastor we d

The century of
History of mankind
Saying that, “as for the
Called burning ice happened
Lot of living things died out and thus the
Live only in the bubble dome

Bubble dome “Romud” It is an ideal ity the
An advanced making to the network advance
Multipurpose robot from which onomb wa
Of the reacle ---flrunistruerie, and the c---
Been m/pun-aged in an orderly manner if aged
And it peeped and the problem or failing bribe

Ever the event that causes the accident --- order happens several y—Another ---- ome
Shelter immigrants have flowed in “rom--- event brought of there---al—of a---
The class difference, and the dissatisfaction ---- there ----ed for----eenau
Reeding ground for crime.
--- big social issues had been generated ---h and Rom
Existence of the virus pro--- of the ------------elling------
Follow man and caused a serious trouble -----
---to appear as though people not to have dissatisfaction -----
Stice and the person who gave up “you should fur----- peaceful
Driven by the desire that it wanted in go out of here
Erase it was taught that the external world was the world of ----
Ous for the Romud citizens.



The century of how many is a futuristic sto
Were given the history of mankind as fo
Saying that “as for the environment of the
Metanhaidorad ----that was called burot

----who has -----
Bubble dome Romud --- is an ideal city that
An advanced ----
----- support of the eached infrastructure, and t
The society where everything had been managed
Time nor an anti-social molecule

Bubble dome
Another by social fear

Dissatisfaction in the dome are small number of people thing. Not
The person who gave up, “you should ---- one” life --- a peaceful dome though
Though they were all ---- by the ---- that ---- to go out of here.
Because it was taught that the external world was the world of death to which the monster strolled and the
Infectious disease was furious for the Romud citizens

Environment of the ca----
---in old --------Ow, and---

Utopia that repeat


Year up. Anot



The century of how many is a futuristic stories ---- Potiou----
History of mankind as follows.
Saying that “As for the environment of the earth, the large----
Called burning ice happened in old time in century of
Lot of ---- died out and thus the --- we ----
Live only in the bubble dome.

Bubble dome “Romud” ---- called utopia ----
An ---- thinking to the ----
Multipurpose robot front ----
Of the reached ---- ture, and the completed
Been managed in the orderly manner
And it peeped

Discharge of M----that was
Now and it changed suddenly
Production and
Going by
The life support
Society where everything
Manner if it gave birth to neither a crime nor an anti-social molecule.


So the complete text is something like:
The century of how many is a futuristic stories from now. People who lived there were given the
history of mankind as follows
Saying that “As for the environment of the earth, the large discharge of Metanhlidend that was
Meteor --- called burning ice happened in old times in century of how it changed suddenly
Lot of living things died out and thus we d-- human race came to
Live only in the bubble dome

Bubble dome “Romud” It is an ideal city that is called utopia that repeat ---- producing and
People seemed to be
From ystery
Consumption. Another by social fear
An advanced making (thinking?) to the network advance
Multipurpose robot from which onomb wa
Support of the reached infrastructure, and the completed social security of the society
The society where everything had been managed in an orderly manner if it gave birth to neither a crime nor an anti-social molecule.
And it peeped and the problem or failing bribe

Ever the event that causes the accident --- order happens several y—Another ---- ome
Shelter immigrants have flowed in “rom--- event brought of there---al—of a---
The class difference, and the dissatisfaction ---- there ----ed for----eenau
breeding ground for crime.
--- big social issues had been generated ---h and Rom
Existence of the virus pro--- of the ------------elling------
Follow man and caused a serious trouble -----
---to appear as though people not to have dissatisfaction -----
Dissatisfaction in the dome are small number of people thing. Not
Stice and the person who gave up “you should fur----- one” life --- a peaceful dome though
Though they were all Driven by the desire that it wanted in go out of here
Because it was taught that the external world was the world of death to which the monster strolled and the
Infectious disease was furious for the Romud citizens


  1. Wow, through all of your Ergo proxy projects I've seen your dedication and hard work in these. It has bee a really wonderful journey of informations.
    I would love to share this to the others, by translate these to my native language(Thai), not without your permittion of course.
    So I am writting this to ask you for one. My email is pimo3o@hotmail.com. And once again I truly enjoy your blog. It just had my passion in this anime grow more amd more. :)

    1. Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely you can translate it. I would be beyond thrilled if you did. The guide is just my thoughts and what I happened to notice, so I encourage you to edit it - either to add your own thoughts or to remove things I got wrong or wandered too far off topic.

      If you have any questions about how I arrived at some conclusion, or what I meant, or if I made a mistake, I'll answer and help as much as I can. Questions and comments help me to make the guide better for everyone. =]

  2. I think it's worth to mention there are other hidden messages like quote from Landnámabók, Michelangelo's quote encoded in seemingly gibberish russian, some hebrew text possibly from Talmud, someone's diary and many more. Taken from http://ergoproxysum.russelldjones.ru/opening.htm

    1. Definitely. Wow, that website is a trove of interpretations and references. The people who made it certainly caught many things I missed! I've never come across this website before, so perusing it was quite a treat.

  3. Thank you very much for all your efforts. I'm glad you've done this. Peace
