06 April 2013

Ergo Proxy-12: When You're Smiling/Hideout

And promptly we return to a normal story narrative for another two or three episodes.

When You're Smiling

Once again Ergo Proxy comes across to me on many different levels. Most directly, there is the time spent with the characters and the story line progressing. There is the way details are present in the background, foreshadowing for future episodes as well as this episode. There are undercurrents of themes that are not directly apparent until later.

The background question lurking is whether Re-L should go back to Romdeau. That seems... pretty simple and boring question to repeat over and over, but (of course) I've interpreting it to mean more than the literal choice of location A or B. For Re-L, Romdeau is that "boring paradise" that place of her childhood when she had her life and hadn't asked her questions. It is also the "last refuge of order against the chaos at the gate." She has personal ties there too: Iggy, Daedalus, and her grandfather. All of this has been pointed out before, but the point is, the question now is to accept that she will never try to go back. It's not just to venture out, but to commit to leaving. And what future does she have? How will she travel? Where will she go? Who will protect her? How will she survive? What will she do? What will she find? She has to either find answers or come to terms with the unknown. So, it is not such a bland or repetitive question as a theme.

There is also the disturbing phantom question of why she is attempting this all in the first place. She wants to find answers. But why find answers? Who is she serving, Romdeau, Daedalus, herself, Vincent, the truth? And what if they are meaningless. She found "the proxy" but what use is it now? As Vincent, not-so-coincidentally, puts it at the end of the episode, "What now? What the hell do we do now?"

Iggy, normally her go-to for support and answers, tries to give her answers and pressure her to return. In doing so, he forces her to realize she would rather choose against him. "We can finally go back to Romdeau!" He essentially helps her turn him away.

When Re-L goes to talk to Vincent, she says, "Tell me, are you a Proxy? Even if you are, it's still going to ...[mean I take you back to Romdeau]"

It's kind of funny how lowly Vincent still think of himself. He thinks of himself as unworthy, an immigrant before a monstrous Proxy.

That kiss is meaningless. It was a desperate ploy of a frightened Re-L, and she wipes it away afterwards. Although, she looks like she was kind of surprised and solemn at her own reaction rather than disgusted. And Vincent... I think he knows too it was all fake, but it satisfies him that he has a chance. And he is both patient enough and gentleman enough to wait until Re-L agrees to accept his proposal.

Then there are the random Proxy and autoreiv boy. They seem entirely a plot device for Vincent to show he is a Proxy, but they serve more of a purpose. Some of that is for the next episode, actually, but it is also interesting to note how they serve as contrast against Ergo Proxy and Pino. Ergo Proxy is no brute, thanks to Vincent and how Pino and Re-L have changed him. And Pino is no autoreiv now that she has been changed by Vincent, cogito, and her own experiences. The proxy and autoreiv seem to me to be a vision of Christmas Future that are being grimly or mercifully denied existence.

The autoreiv boy gathers food as gifts for his Proxy guardian. They probably survived this long by not actually needing to eat, but it would be a pleasurable gift anyway, right? Or maybe they can still scavenge enough to get by.

Vincent seems to have matured noticibly. He is still apologetic as ever, but he doesn't jump to groveling all the time. Instead of, "You have to believe me!" it's along the lines of, "That's understandable, I find the situation hard to believe myself." Along with some serious thoughts about the future instead of just being swept along entirely unable to understand.

Iggy is probably is the only one that realizes that Re-l complaining is because of her own alienation and discomfort. He probably also is the only one to realize that Re-L's dismissive behavior is because she is growing out of Romdeau and Iggy.

That fist clench scene at the end, as well as his gasp after the Turing application has been turned off are not design errors.

To me it sounds like Pino doesn't know how to actually be scared just yet. Her cries are painfully mimicked versions of terror. She blows on her piano flute as an alarm, which is why Re-L knows something is wrong and it is Pino. Vincent of course, reacts to the other Proxy's presence. He doesn't want to change, and resists it until his god powers inform him that Re-L is going to be in trouble.

Re-L is touching her lip and says "Vincent, no...!" Either because she actually cares and is worried for him, or else purely in reaction to her trauma of her encounter with Ergo.

Re-L is considering killing Ergo when she sees a flash of Vincent. Ergo is fighting the proxy and he sees a flash of Re-L. These memories both make them question themselves and both weaken their resolves. Ergo is thrown back and Re-L hesitates.


It is rather impressive just how gender-fair this anime is. Re-L is adored by three separate men in the series. She doesn't play them. She isn't cold-hearted, simply oblivious. She isn't goofy or use their relationship as an excuse to tease sex appeal. Yes, she is portrayed in some audience pandering shots, but it seems almost to empower her. She is damn visually appealing, and she is aware, but she doesn't feel a need to ever flaunt or use it. Even her kiss isn't a very sexual act so much as a block. She does not bat her eyes, in fact she looks angry she was taken advantage of and /let/ it happen in her surprise. In short, she isn't sexual and she isn't cold. She is a normal badass girl. Romance isn't a priority, but she isn't oblivious either. She is valued by other men, not ignored, and she ignores their attention because she isn't expecting it and isn't very good socially.
She isn't a good female lead with some trait exceptions, she is entirely a good female lead. No traits are shoehorned in to make her appealing. No hidden weaknesses. No coldhearted asexuality. No sexual flaunting or pouting or anything. She is Re-L, without any shallowness for the audience, just her own (--that she overcomes herself).


  1. Re-l seemed stoic and cold-headed in almost every situation. But what suprised me was that she is shocked everytime she meets Ergo. After she sneaked back to scene of the incident, once she realized it was real, she has to curl herself up to calm down. But Ergo/Vincent never really did her any serious harm. (Physically that is.)

    1. I can't speak to Re-L's reasons with certainty, all I can recall is her statement that seeing Ergo was the first time she had been really afraid. I'm not completely certain why it affected her so. I can guess that she went from being one of the most powerful in the city to being confronted by a predator more powerful than her. Her sense of security was shattered in a moment.

      However, I can be much (much much) more certain when it comes to why she was so affected by returning to the scene.

      Episode two, from the very start, is about how the entire city suddenly cooperates to tell Re-L that she is wrong about everything she saw. At first it is the bureaucracy asking her questions and insisting she can't be telling the truth. Then the evidence itself has been tampered with. Then it is Iggy, her closest friend having his memory erased. And after that even Daedalus, her doctor and her closest human friend, insisting that she is mentally unstable and confusing "her fantasies with reality" because he has been coerced by the system. She is utterly alone, and even makes statements like "it's a conspiracy," and "I don't know what to believe anymore." I think it is because she actually isn't sure if she is being unreasonable and has become delusional - she doesn't know if she is acting like a conspiracy theorist or if a conspiracy has actually taken place. All she can do is cry out that something somewhere has gone terribly wrong, and hope that it isn't her own mind. She puts on a strong face, and rebels against the system that is trying to squash her, but it takes a toll on her.

      After enduring such a traumatic event, she then has to endure her entire world form ranks against her, insisting that she is crazy. Despite her strength, it tries her own sanity and she begins to doubt herself. After all, how can you tell what is real if the rest of the world says you are crazy? Insane people are sure that they are correct, and how can you tell if you are insane except by comparing to the rest of the world? And if the rest of the world is telling you are insane.... how can you prove otherwise? Doesn't it make sense that her psychology concocted a fantasy to help her deal with being attacked so traumatically in her own home? Wouldn't it be easier just to let the rest of the world tell her what is real rather than try to fight it?

      It doesn't help that Re-L had to endure history being actively re-written with the memories of those around her being changed to fit a different narrative and the intelligence bureau only finding taped evidence of there being no monster present. (This also comes up in totalitarian states, where the government actually rewrites history and tells lies for long enough that the country begins to believe them - Stalin, Mao Zedong, Kim Jong Un. 1984, Animal Farm, Brave New World, and Darkness and Noon all deal with this theme in part.)

      So after having to bear that, to actually go to the scene, and to find it destroyed by 'her stalker,' was helpful. But most importantly, to finally find some evidence that she hadn't gone crazy and that there really was a monster in the form of the necklace that she finds. It was such a huge relief as well as a huge blow to her.

      Now she knows she hadn't hallucinated it, but instead she has to live in a world where the entire city is going to try and prevent her from telling the truth, as well as a world where there is a supernatural monster that attacked her.... No wonder she curls up.

    2. As for when she confronts him later, and is moved to tears - it does seem like the show resorts to supernatural explanations like they're magically linked by fate, or have some kind of fate built into their genes or something.

      Here are some other explanations though:
      It may have been that she is conflicted over how she was resolved to kill the proxy, but has come to respect and warily care for Vincent. There is also the conflict of how Vincent is protecting her and Pino, but she wants to hurt him for being a Proxy. Finally, there is the conflict of how Vincent himself is this strange double personality. It's hard to deal with seeing someone be so very much not-themself. How can you treat them for who they are, when they are simultaneously somebody else.....? If she kills Ergo, she kills the innocent Vincent, but if she saves Vincent, then Ergo will remain free to be a danger to everyone.

  2. Vincent might think himself a lowly immigrant first because; 1. Its still difficult for him to accept that he is transhuman. 2. Can an immigrant do powerful things as smashing a roof, jump to amazingly heights, or kill you with a deadly

    After Re-l " kissed" him, the camera moves briefly to their hands. Did she hold his hand? Or did Vincent realize the kiss was a ploy?

    When Ergo fights the Cave Proxy, he has a brief flash of Reals reaction too him, could it be that he was worried what she might think of him?

    After Re-l confess that she can kill him with FP bullets, Ergo(?) smiles and says; " Kill me? You?" in a completly different voice than even Ergo!! And Vincent has to stop him from reaching his claws towards Re-l..
    What the heck happened there?! Was it Proxy One who briefly took control over Ergo/Vincent? Or did Ergo see Re-l as an threat?


    1. xD shuuuush! I can do brief Dx (can't, I can't D=)

      I don't remember the hand scene exactly so I'd have to pull it up to see what you mean. I remember it as being a little tender though, yes.

      Yes, Ergo turns mid-fight to look at Re-L and I think he is sort of baring himself, saying something like "this is what I am... please don't turn me away."

      Nope, that is Ergo's true/normal voice. Ergo usually only comes out as half-vincent and half-ergo so you don't often hear it. For a few seconds he is full Ergo until Vincent's voice comes through and he shouts "Stop it!" If it resembles Proxy One, then that is intentional because Ergo Proxy and Proxy One are identical for a bit - Ergo Proxy originally begins as a shadow/clone of Proxy One, and only gradually changes to become his own person through Vincent's journey.
      There are few other times Ergo comes out fully.

  3. So his voice was different in episode 11 because of that? What are the other times when he comes out fully? Was he present during the bathroom scene? (sounds so confusing)

    1. It's super confusing, sometime intentionally too. It doesn't help whatsoever that Proxy One looks and sounds identical and even appears and carps around for a bit once in awhile. Blargh.

      I honestly have trouble telling for sure if it was Ergo Proxy in the bathroom scene.
      However I'm pretty sure and this is why: Vincent was in the area. (he reports he was and the Security Bureau says he was) Vincent's necklace was found in the bathroom. Vincent at least once has a flashback to that scene from the perspective of Ergo.

      Ergo Proxy comes out fully when Vincent doesn't have memories of it I'd say - So when he rescues Re-L at the compound after having fallen into the water. When he fights Sennex. Later they start to merge a bit. It's partly Vincent present when fighting Kazkis, but at the end he says "I am the Agent of Death" in a different voice and I suspect it is basically 100% Ergo Proxy. The episode where Re-L threatens to shoot him as we have already talked about. When Iggy threatens Re-L and Iggy says "that smile is the reason I know you'll hurt Re-L. My Re-L" I'm under the impression that Ergo basically is in control even though it is Vincent's form. It's hard to say of course, but it seemed super un-Vincent-like to me. There was another time back at the compound that Vincent runs over to rescue Pino and he gives his creepy smile after shooting the patrol craft. Not totally sure what was going on there, but it seems to be not-Vincent in some way, so I started associating creepy not-Vincent smiles with Ergo.

      I used to suggest that it was Ergo talking to Vincent in the City Lights bookstore episode, but then Proxy One has a flashback suggesting it was him and not Ergo doing the talking. x-x
      Swan-dream-figment-Ergo is too confusing to tell. -_-;

      When Real-2 visits Ergo Proxy in Monad's chamber, he threatens her and snarls - this is Ergo Proxy again. Kinda mixed in with Vincent at this point I suppose, but mostly Ergo Proxy.
