28 October 2014

Ergo Proxy - Episode 23:Proxy/Deus ex Machina


To love. To be all powerful. To create. To be flawed. To defy one's fate.
All of these themes have stunning development and exposition. I want to explain the philosophical conclusions and commentary they have, but maybe the best way is to tell the story itself.

Once there was a Proxy.

He was a god among gods. He was given his task by the The Creator itself. The humans who created his world. They forged his life, gave him his soul, and then gave him a planet to shape and populate.

And he did. In his youth, with his divine power, he created a city.

It was a paradise full of citizens and autoreivs.
Everything was perfect.

Everyone had everything they could want and everyone took joy from their vital roles in upkeeping the clockwork miracle that was their city system. It was all carefully balanced. No details were overlooked. Every citizen was carefully sculpted so that they could love their life and their place in the perfect society. No one could ask for more.

And most of all they loved their creator. They loved Proxy One, for the glorious gift of paradise he had given them. They worshiped and venerated him. They cherished and prostrated for him. They loved and idolized him.

And slowly, he began to despair.

He saw the flaws in their perfection. They could never become more than what they were. They could never grow or surpass their pitiful predetermined purposes. They could never create something new or surprise their creator because they were only as good as he had made them, and he had made them soulless puppets.

But it was forgivable because the system they were all a part of was beautiful, perfect, and magnificent. It ran with a simple perfection. Flawless and smooth, it spiraled onward, never missing a beat as all of its parts cycled in perfect synchrony. Proxy 1 watched it and smiled.

His creations began to displease him. They aggravated him. More and more he could little stand to be around them. He did not yet know the full reason why.

Perhaps then he saw citizens that somehow, did have potential to grow. Who defied the system in an attempt to improve themselves and the world they were in. And they were rejected. They were rebuked and destroyed by the system. And Proxy One was angry. He was angry because he began to realize. The system they all upheld was flawed and disgusting too. And all of it is because Proxy One himself

You are a god. You have everything. Can do anything. And yet.
And yet.

Everything you have done was a sham. Everything moldered before your eyes. First tiny flaws, then maggots that multiplied until the whole thing dissolved into a horrible repulsive heap. Something so utterly unholy and it was the best that you, a divine being, created out of pure good intentions. It was supposed to be beautiful. It was. You thought it was. But somehow it never was.

And it crawls toward you, slavering for you to feed it. And you gaze on the sorry thing with hatred and disgust but a twisted sort of love because it is the best you could ever do, even though it also destroyed the-best-you-could-ever-do. It is a reflection of you, and you know that. So you hate it and you love it.

But most of all, you are alone.

You aren't aware of it, just the empty place inside you. The smiles covering up the nothing behind. Maybe it is ignorance, maybe it is denial. Underneath you want someone to seek you out. To see your sorry hide for what it is. Someone to forgive you, and then someone to understand what sort of creature you are. All of your goodwill, all of your flaws. You want them to come and to peel back the layers, and you want it to be painful, but you want to stand naked before someone else and be judged. You want to know whether they would look on you with fear and repulsion or with sadness and love. You want to know which you should look on yourself as. You just want to finally know.

You cannot even see past that. But if you could, you would see what was past the future where you are loved. Where you are seen and understood, and are accepted. Then you can fall down from forcing yourself to stand up for so long. Then you can cry and feel and hope and leave the past behind. Then you can see a future that isn't an endless dark tunnel. Then you can begin to stand up, teach yourself how to walk, and go somewhere else than this painful place.

But that is beyond you. That comes after. Right now, you want to prove that you are real. That you exist. And maybe that you have a right to exist.

You want to touch another life. Have it touch you. Just a shred of contact. A flash of understanding between two. A seed of love, forgiveness, understanding, empathy. That might make it all worth it. Lift you up just enough so you can turn your eyes to see where you are and begin to think.

It hurts to see our creations, our children. They are so malformed. Why can't they be better? They come to us, but we can do nothing for them, and we turn away in loathing and shame. They come to us and profess their love, but they do not understand us and they do not love us and they do not want to love us. They worship us, but that is a worthless thing. We want something deeper. Something they cannot give us, even if they wanted to. They cannot understand us. They cannot understand us.

So we despair. And sometimes we rage at the world we were born into, that let us create but we could not create what we needed to create. We cannot create something to love us. We can only create puppets and toys and they cannot love us.

We found love with another. We loved the other proxy. We turned our back on our hateful world and we left them all behind to lose ourselves in love. I do not know what happened to that love, but it was thin. It was patched together from our sadness, our fear, our hatred, and our despair. It was our escape from it, but all it was, was a way to freeze time. It did not let us leave. It only let us sleep. That love was real, but it was shallow and got us nowhere.

So we tried to remake ourselves. If we could not be loved for who we were, then we would erase ourselves and become something that could be loved. So we cut out the parts that could not be understood and dropped the pieces that were left into the world we had created. We tried to be one of them. But we could not give up all that we were, for we still wanted to be loved. And wanting to be loved means wanting to be loved for who we are. So we did not make puppets to love us and we did not erase ourselves completely. And so of course our creations turned us away. They should have, because we failed them and are not perfect like we tried to make them. We are not what we wanted to be, and they are not what we wanted them to be, and they see that we are not what we should have been. We are all imperfect and we all hate it in each other and we are sorry we are like this.

We are sorry we failed you. We deserve to be punished just like we wished to punish you when we saw your own imperfections.

And what way is there out of this? The system yet reinforces the system that cannot improve.

The imperfections. The imperfections.

That is how we found our way out. The imperfections created new lives. They created new things that we could not have created ourselves. And we learned to stop looking for perfection and instead look for life. And we learned to see. And then they saw us. Saw us for who we are. Broken but struggling, just as they. And we learned to love one another. And we learned to love the world and through the world, ourselves.

And so we gave up perfection. And we found what we were missing, even though we were a god.


"The ark an cradle will nurture you, but it will not educate you."

"We discovered the torments of a creator." "And yet, we still loved them."
"The creator wishes to be loved as well." "It's as if I can feel his solitude and despair in the very depths of my soul." "That despair. That pain is the reason they must all be punished."
"You've been manipulated. Buried under the burdens of failed creations and have brought the destruction of man the cusp of its rebirth."
"The Shadow knows. It knows there is a price to pay at the fate of those who would demand a god for a godless world."
"The human race had to be destroyed. They brought this world to ruin, then ran away. Oh how they ran."
"Much in the same way that you ran away from Romdeau, a world of your own making."
"I understand. I know what it is to be rejected, treated like you were nothing."

"I no longer care who I was before I came what I am. I am my self and that is all I need. There's only one truth that really matters to me"

"[We are both definitely Ergo Proxy] But you are not Vincent Law!" "What's wrong with you? They mean nothing to you but failure!"
"This world doesn't deserve to be saved!" "What difference does it make? Do any more need to die!"

"Because I can't let myself forget any more. I'm not talking about remembering the mission that was programmed into me. It's the faces I encountered, the confrontations we had, the love and support given. The life."

"What is it draws you to that existence? It is dark. It's cold. And there's never any knowing what horrors lie ahead." "But that's it. That's what life is. Is all that you said but someone's waiting for me there."

"She plagued you and yet she still loved you. She offered her love to flawed broken souls and in that we found freedom."


Daedalus and Real play out the myth further. Real, Daedalus's child, is given wings, then flies to close to the sun and dies because of it. (Proxies will die if exposed to blue skies/direct sunlight. This is because, once the earth has healed enough, they are no longer needed.)

"There's no place for the sub-humans out there."
"Bringing mankind back through the proxy system. It wasn't supposed to be the first option."
"Even you and I are obstacles, despite our pain and love. Our souls are ruining everything. We're in their way."
Mankind left earth to survive in space in the Boomerang Project while the earth healed. It is in the name itself "Boomerang," - they always intended to return. However, the proxy project was a safeguard. The domes and the sub-humans were created to help the earth heal and repopulate if the original humans were wiped out during the interim. Hence the word "Proxy" - the agents of the creator. That is why they were programmed as they were.

Proxy One says that Re-L's actions are no longer required. Her services then were either attempting to kill Vincent, bringing Vincent to Proxy One, or simply being a citizen of Romdeau. And she chose her own truth, which was to pursue truth at any cost and to show Vincent that she understands and trusts him regardless of his being a 'monster' or a 'god.'

"Autoreivs were nothing more than bit players. Their revolt helped bring about the system's ruin."
It seems that Autoreivs were never really an option to survive and repopulate the earth. Cogito isn't really designed to make them self-aware and able to survive in the new world, but instead to destabilize and destroy the world. It is spread by the proxy to destroy the domes to make way for the first option. That is it's purpose. (Maybe it has another possibility of make the autoreivs fit to survive, maybe it was accidental. The rest of the autorevis don't really seem capable like Pino, Kristeva, and Iggy were. I don't really know what is up with Pino saying she hears the proxy and the others were told not to listen.

"Its an elegant system."
"In fact, we are left to be some kind of monster. And old world demon in a new age."
And just as they were programmed to create new arks for mankind, they were programmed to destroy themselves when they are no longer needed. They had no place in this new world. It is the Pulse of the Awakening they fight each other and destroy themselves. With the coming of blue skies, they are not allowed to live. With mankind's successful return, it is already set within the project to destroy everything that was in the way. The Domes were set to collapse with the loss of the Proxies and the Cogito. I'm a little muddled how much the Pulse of the Awakening is to make the sub-humans survive on their own and how much it is to make them die off for the coming of the original Humans. "But why did they give us souls? We wouldn't suffer if we had no souls." The practical reasons are these - souls along imagination, innovation and creativity. It is necessary to be a leader and a creator, to have these things. Souls also come from the intelligence and the experience of seeing the creations with their own lives, suffering, and dreams. Souls also imply that imperfection and free will that allows something to learn, evolve, and become greater than itself. Perhaps souls are necessary for a being to be a god as well. Perhaps it is also because the Creators, the Humans, wanted their proxies to be as they are. To dream and to suffer the same way. To be made in their own image. To be understood by their creations....
"The creator wishes to be loved as well. It's as if I can feel his solitude and despair in the very depths of my soul. That despair. That pain is the reason they must all be punished."

In case there is any confusions: Proxy One says that "Vincent is just an after image, left behind by Proxy One's despair, a puppet, a phantom, an impostor --- accept it, you and I are the same." That could mean that the Vincent persona is a mask to hide behind for Ergo Proxy, but it could also mean that Ergo Proxy is the copy of Proxy One. And Vincent says that they are both definitely Ergo Proxy. Proxy One calls Ergo Proxy a prodigal son (sarcastically) and then says that ErgoVincent will live, even though normal proxies are susceptible to the sun's rays. All of that seems to indicate that Proxy One created ErgoVincent (He's not a normal proxy, he doesn't have his own necklace - only Monad's or Proxy One's - he looked and acted and thought like Ergo/Proxy1 until after the journey etc etc)

So that seems a pretty safe conclusion. It gets confusing when it comes to the question of why and when.

He only wished to love and be loved.
"But it was more than [you] could give."
He knows. He knows. He knows he knows he knows, but that doesn't help that it breaks his heart to know it. He loves her, and he loves that she is who she is, and he would't change her or manipulate her. But that means he has to love that she does not love him in return.

And he tries as much as he can to do it. He even does it, but it destroys him from the inside out.

He takes care of her to the end. He tells her everything and tells her to leave him for her own safety as he lies dying. He watches her struggling against her fate after he has given up and he loves her for it. "You never change. It sickens me." And he smiles with such forgiveness and love when she calls his name. He finally gets her to understand. "And as for me... I..." "Deadalus...." "I'm sorry, Daedalus." "I'm sick of your apologies." He just... wants her to love him.... but he loves her for who she is, and she cannot.

Run Re-l!
Very good.



Kristeva's story, while worthy and ought to have more exposure, is straightforward enough that I won't cover it.

Proxy One says that the mask that Ergo Proxy wears is the "mask of one who would deny his fate." This is interesting, because in the beginning Ergo Proxy denied his fate by running away, forgetting his past, and trying to be a citizen rather than a proxy. And at the end Ergo Proxy may be wearing it because he wants to be more than a Proxy, and change the fate that has been allotted him.

"I have faith."
This is a strange thing for Re-L to say to me.
Faith in ... Vincent? Faith in that the future will be changed by our futile efforts? Faith that doing our best, we are making things better and not worse? Faith in a god that learns from its imperfections? Perhaps it is that she knows she cannot face the world alone, and so will now rely on the others she has found that she can trust.

"Because even if your future is inevitable and nothing but pain awaits me. I'm still doing what I think is right."
Another quote that I love, this time spoken by Re-L. I really do believe this.

Once again I feel dissatisfied with how much I put into this (not enough). There is lots more I could and should have explained about plot and mechanics of the universe, but that feels so dry and I can't remember what I have and have not said. There is more to be said about Pino, Re-L and Vincent in a reflection of their growth and realizations. There are other ways to speak about the proxies and the meaning of being an imperfect god. There is Proxy One's twisted narrative. Their is Raul and Pino and Kristeva. There is the idea of truth, fate, and self-created purpose. There is more to be said about love and the meaning of love. There is speculation about what the humans intended and how they will react. There is tracing the chain of creators and created and comparing and contrasting the relationships. Humans, Proxies, Subhumans, autoreivs.... There is the idea of self-awareness and souls emerging. But for some unknown reason I want to publish this tonight and who knows if I will get back to it. Selfishly it is also because I have other less monumental things I want to write about, but this will be my 100th post on this blog. (!!!!!) And I want it to be this one.

The guide should remain a work in progress, but I don't know if I will actually follow through. Certainly it could and ought to be a lot better composed and organized. Certainly I should add images like I mentioned before. I guess I ought to trust myself a /little/ more since I never (ever) thought I would get as far as to write for all 23 episodes.
I should celebrate.

Fun fact - this is now 103 pages long and about 60k words! Whoah! I bet you didn't know you'd read a book-length analysis of this junk! Just one month shy of 2 years in the making (29th November 2012 - 28th October 2014) ***edit: Oh, I also just passed 10k pageviews for the blog as a whole.


  1. Thanks for acompanying me in this journey, I loved your writings and how you put so much time in it.

    I finished the series this night, I look through the windows and the black sky is gone replaced by the blue of a new day.


    1. It is so rare that I enjoy that feeling, yet I think I might know what that moment was like for you. Here's to hoping we find many more things that bring that feeling to our lives.

  2. I feel like what I posted in the comment section for episode 22 became slighty unneccary xD I basically repeated what the story and your guide have already wrote years ago. >_> read more throughly next time.

    There probably will almost always never be enough words to describe the stuff that Ergo Proxy is about. Its plotlines, themes and thread lies deep underneath the surface so one have to examine to realize they are there.

    Its is and was pleasant to read your analysis.

    1. No, not unnecessary. ^^

      I enjoyed reading it and you said things that made me think about it in new ways. That's the beauty of discussing it. Even if everyone agrees, there are lots of perspectives to approach it from, and usually people don't agree, so that's even better!

      I mean, I am just presenting my take on Ergo Proxy, so technically the entire guide is then "unnecessary." I was worried about that, but so far a few people have stopped to tell me that they got something out of it, so my fears have since been allayed. =]

  3. I watched Gurren Lagann, and i said it was the best anime i had ever watched. and then i watched Ergo Proxy. For a while i didn't want to admit that a philosophical, metaphysical, and emotional thrill ride, wasn't better than the pure hype that Gurren gave me. So many people in other websites dislike this show, and it seems its because of the ending. Like a gun that doesn't shoot until episode 21 and that's where its either hit or miss, and that is probably what saddens me most about some aspects of the anime community. Nonetheless, you did a fantastic job wrapping everything up, and giving your marvelous take on a beautiful(*cough * and underrated *cough*) series. Thank you for the read. I enjoyed it immensely.

    1. Nah, don't say it's better. It's incomparable categories. I'm sure they're both the best at different things. x]

      I'm not sure why people dislike Ergo Proxy, but it seems to have stayed around and keep getting mentioned, which I'll be content with. It's better than it getting so hyped that it becomes hard to enjoy! *cough* Neon Genesis Evangelion*cough* My best guess is that Ergo Proxy has too many different things it tries to do... like I mentioned, it careens between comedy, tragedy, philosophy, action, suspense, romance and everything else in between. That means there is something there for everyone to love.... but also to hate. I'm not going to lie, Ergo Proxy does a lot of things badly. But it happens to capture some magic, or at least appeals to me really really well.

      Hey, so I had a "marvelous take" huh? Glad you liked it! I enjoyed reading other people's takes on it as well.

  4. Ok. Just finished watching Ergo Proxy for the first time and i'm kind of speechless, but not really. There is just so much mixed feelings (in a good way) so much emotion, i don't know where to start. First of all a huge THANK YOU for helping me understand some things i would not have without your help. Second, i doubt that there will ever be an anime like this that affected me so much. I completely love it even though i know it is flawed. It helped me change for the better. Before i taught if i could have one wish it would be not to feel anything emotionaly or at least not to feel sorrow. But it taught me that just because i'm sad doesn't mean it's bad. I cannot express everything i feel for Ergo Proxy, there are not enough words. The music is the first thing why i felt connected to it, it was awesome. after the second episode i fell in love with it and that love only grew stronger. I watched it in three days. On the second day i found out my girlfriend was cheating on me and we broke up, that was horrible. This is the third day, i finished watching it and the funny thing is that i feel more sad about the fact that Ergo Proxy is over than the whole situation with my now Ex. :D That is how much i love it. This isn't a simple anime, this is a self-finding-journey or something like that :D. It's different for everyone. But i thank you again for the guidance. This anime actually made my life better. Made me appreciate it more and taught that even in sorrow i can find hapiness.
    And as i said, there are not enough words...
    And btw i'm from Europe - Latvia :) so yeah it's loved all around the world.

    1. I was not sure how to respond to your comment when I read it at the time. I am very glad that Ergo Proxy affected you so deeply, and that you were changed for the better. It is very important to accept and embrace emotion and the growth it forces you to undergo. In my experience that which is bad, in another perspective, helps point to something better. Good luck in life, and keep finding truth in new ways.

  5. Again, I want to thank you!
    This anime really gets to one's heart and soul.
    The greatest part is that it makes you think. All the Proxy-Creator dilema is wonderful!
    I think Ergo Proxy provides us viewers with a new philosophical way to understand life, it's just amazing.
    Thank you for helping me understand the story. I actually didn't read all your posts, I just read when I felt really lost with the story (like at the Jeopardy episode).
    But I believe all the effort you gave to this project is a great contribution to the anime community.

    1. Those are some incredible compliments. Thank you, and it's fantastic you got so much out of the anime. =]

      (haha, don't feel bad that you didn't read all of the posts, they're there for you to use as best fits you, so it's good to know you did that and it worked well for you!)

    2. I would love to thank you so much for all the effort you put into making these! I love Ergo Proxy. First time I watched it I created many of my own perspectives on it although lots of things confused me. Second time I watched it, the pieces fit together much more simpler... Although I was wanting to find a place where they were explained more in depth. That is where I came across your blogs. The third time I watched it I decided to watch an episode and read your descriptions on it. I must say you did an amazing job. As confusing as this anime is I love it so much. Many of the points you made I either agreed with or realized on my own. Many others it helped me gain an awareness to it as I'm sure there is always more to pick up from this series. Thank you so much for doing this as it's a complex series and even when I try to explain it to others I get so tongue tied and unsure how to express it all. Thank you so much! :)

    3. There's so much in Ergo Proxy! And it's all really confusing but actually makes sense! Mostly! It's really complex! And talks about stuff! Basically I love it! A lot! It's good! Okay! =p I made the guide partly so I could try to understand how all the bits fit together and figure out anything I had missed. I noticed a lot of things each time I went over it. And I keep forgetting stuff and then reading my own guide and being like: "OH right! That's pretty cool. Ha. Whoops, I had forgotten about that."

  6. Hey, just watched last episode and read last post of your guide.
    I would like to say that I am really grateful to you for this guide. It did explain a lot of things I didn't understood at first. But most importantly, it made me think.
    It was a wonderful journey. And it was a pleasure to be accompanied by your guide.
    Greetings from Lithuania:)

    1. Greetings from the United States. =]

      And I am grateful that you took the time to think about it all. That's everything I had hoped for. Keep thinking and enjoying the books, shows, and games you encounter. Maybe next time you'll be explaining something to me. ;]

  7. I don't know who you are but I need to say: I love you and thank you VERY much.

    Ergo Proxy is one of the best animes that I've ever seen but it's also really confusing (probably due my poor references). Your work here is beautiful, captivating e very very helpful. Thanks again.

    Greetings from Brazil.

    1. Hahaha, no, it is just inexcusably confusing. =p But otherwise, I agree, it is also one of the best animes I have seen.

      It is pleasing to hear that others found such worth in my efforts. Thank you for letting me know, and good will wherever life takes you.

  8. Thank you very much. I have to disagree with one thing you said though. At the start of the guide you explained that it is impossible to understand ergo proxy on your first viewing. I will have to say that, paradoxically, I believe this guide has made that a possibility. Thank you very much.

  9. well here i am over a decade after you began writing these analyses and i just want to thank you. would not have understood all the philosophy and meaning behind this show if i didnt have this guide to go with it :)
