10 February 2015

What do I do

Why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why What can I do? Would getting food. Would skipping work and sleeping. Would working. Would watching more videos. Would treating this seriously? Would ignoring it? Would waiting for it to go away? Would fighting it? Would despairing and soaking in despair? Would listing hopes and looking at my dreams help? Would taking a pill help? Would doing simple chores like cleaning help? Would writing down my thoughts and fears help? Would finding some meaningful story to absorb help? Would talking to someone help? Would going outside help? Would waiting help? Would thinking of more things help?


  1. I stumbled upon this blog by chance, wanting to understand more of the Ergo's Story proxy, but about your post now, I am not sure if you are referring to yourself or not, but I can say that I've felt, feel and will feel the same over and over again. Meds help, speaking to someone you trust can help as well, but a lot of times I find myself in a desperate position where I feel without hope, I think a lot about my feeling toward the world and myself, and after years and years of battling with anxiety, depression and others I can't even say I've started to understand the slightest what this life is about.

    1. Thanks, I was writing about myself. It happens. It passes.
      I write on my blog when I want to put words to something. Anything goes.
      (Thanks for replying, I wasn't looking for or needing support from the internet at the time, but someday I might and I might write something similar.)
