27 August 2013

Now and Before and in the Future

I want to think.

I want to always be aware of the world and my world and what could be. I do not want to do things because I feel there is no other way, or because I feel afraid to do something different, or because I have forgotten that the world is more than it is.

If within this year I could realize it, I would never forget to think. If I cannot do that, then I would like to gradually learn.

[question, explain]

I am too afraid of hope to let myself embrace the possibility, but.... I believe it within my grasp. And that I will naturally push closer and closer. And someday, perhaps sooner than later, I will be this person which is only a paragon and a thirst to me now.

The idea of that is amazing to me. That it is realistic; That I can.
[is it real]

And so, I say: I will.

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