07 November 2012


I can't decide how much I trust other people's ability to make informed decisions. (I don't) but taking away their rights is wrong for several reasons that I think we can agree upon.

It undermines the core intent and redeeming factors of the system we have.

It is simple arrogance to suppose that you have all the answers and know better than the anonymous peoples, whose right you are taking away.

You would obviously not want the same done to you. Why? Because you think you know best. Like everyone. So don't think you are self-righteously doing what is correct, because everyone believes they know best. I don't know about you, but we manage to refrain from going crazy that everyone does not agree with us on everything and respect other people's thoughts, lives, and rights because we are civilized.

Everyone will vote for different reasons, and supposedly the combination of votes will result in a very real and correct choice based on that very conglomeration of reasons being expressed by such a huge number of individuals.

If they are voting "wrongly" than either your position is wrong in some respect, or they do not understand how right your position is. Either way, there is a failure you should endeavoring to remedy. Educate, speak up, or find out what you yourself may have overlooked.

This is a place for everyone. This is everyone's country. You agree to live here because of everyone else and what we create as a whole. If that is wrong and intolerable, yes, you can leave. If it is acceptable, then try your best to improve what we have. For yourself and everyone.

There are perhaps deeper things I could examine with this topic and these points, but I think I have put a few simple facts down accurately, and perhaps in an unusual way that still deals with why voter fraud, even for a "good cause" is wrong anyway.

I'm still disgusted with how ignorant people are. I'm still wondering if I really have a right to cast a vote when I am so ignorant myself. I still wonder if there isn't a better way with people having some sort of criteria for being required to vote or restrained from voting, or needing to take a course or test on the issues. I still want there to be some kind of enforcement for accuracy and honesty and scientific feasibility for the issues and platforms and candidates.

I still think a lot of the issues, even if they are real issues, are being voted for in the wrong manner. I mean that in the respects that it is questionable how much the intentions of the president are relevant to his abilities. Can he change the economy? Can he change the international relations? Can he change the civil rights? Yes, and no. It is up to Congress, businesses, diplomats, courts, and society. Yes he can be a symbolic leader, yes he can cause things to start into motion, yes he can raise awareness. How much? And how much is effect instead of cause? We don't know, and I guess we just do our best to vote for our intentions instead of practicality, because we really, really don't know all the inner workings. Not even the most informed of us.

Happy election day.

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